With an effort to provide the best possible training experience, we asked our students to give us their feedback on their expertise both on technical and interpersonal aspects, and we were blown away by the great feedback we got, today we present you with one of our student’s kind words as he shared his training experience with us.


“I’ve always considered myself an enterprise networking expert, working on many large projects in different industries; banks, universities, hospitals you name it, but I’ve always felt that there was a particular skill I was missing from my professional toolbelt.

I wondered how entities like service providers design networks in their projects, the architecture of their point of presence, and how they plan their network layers and managing a large number of customers among many other design-related skills.

After many years of working as an enterprise consultant and pre-sales, I needed to add this knowledge to my own.

After many days of scouring the internet, I stumbled upon many training solutions, but one, in particular, piqued my interest, a scenario-based training provided by an expert in the network architecture field.

At first, I was skeptical since they’re not as big as some of the bigger names in the network design training market and their prices were slightly lower, but reading the instructor bio encouraged me to give it a try, and I’m so glad that I did.”